For the last week, we have been respecting the Government guidelines around working from home. We waved goodbye to our lovely office for now and headed off into the new normal.
Luckily, we were already to set up for this with cloud-based systems, so other than not having a chat over a cup of tea together, it’s business as usual.
We have been fortunate to get out onto site of a few of our projects at the beginning of the week before we were all advised to stay at home.
We are all going to be spending a lot more time at home, and we will start seeing its faults. If you start thinking about how to make your home work better for your family during this time, then you can speak to us about how we can help you with your planning application.
For now, we are still available for all projects, big and small. We are set up for virtual site visits and are always at the end of the phone, or more appropriately now, zoom!
Stay safe everyone. We look forward to seeing you all and helping you achieve your beautiful projects on the other side.